Bravo Cura

Celebrating José Cura--Singer, Conductor, Director




CDs - Le Villi

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Visit  José Cura's Official Web Site for more information about Le Villi and the rest of his recorded output.

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Le Villi


Label - Nuova Era

Orchestra Internazionale d'Italia

Slovak Chamber Choir Sl'uk

Bruno Aprea, conductor


Recorded Live 31 July - 2 August 1994

XX Festival della Valle D’Itria

Martina Franca

Released August 1995

José Cura  - Roberto

Nana Gordaze - Anna

Stefano Antonucci - Guglielmo

Massimo Foschi - Il Narratore

Approximately 69 minutes with notes and text - no translation





Evolving Covers




Original Cover



Second Cover





Subsequent Covers




Le Villi CD, 1995, Martina Franca:   "As Roberto, José Cura demonstrates a good understanding of style and phrases like a gentleman, though he is inclined to over-emotionalise..."  BBC



Le Villi CD, 1995, Martina Franca:   "This 1994 performance on Nuova Era is very successful. Cura does from time to time turn a bit hard, but for the most part this is dramatic tenor singing at its finest—reminiscent of Del Monaco at his best. Cura sings with sweep, innately intelligent phrasing, and abandon."   Fanfare



Le Villi CD, 1995, Martina Franca:   "United Classics has re-released this live 1994 recording featuring a trio of talented singers who help compensate the mediocrity in sound.  José Cura sings with intensity and radiant passion as though his life depended on it. The voice is convincing, filled with anguish and pathos."   ConcertoNet



Le Villi CD, 1995, Martina Franca:  "The CD booklet doesn't mention the venue of the United Classics/Nuova Era label's live 1994 performance; it's the Valle d'Itria Festival in Martina Franca, as any account of José Cura's early career will reveal. Only thirty-one at the time, the Argentinian tenor already exhibited thrillingly bronzed spinto tone throughout his range. He doesn't bring much musicality to Act I, but he's splendid in Act II, giving heart and soul to the monologue and finale." Opera News,




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Last Updated:  Monday, March 01, 2021  © Copyright: Kira